Avec l'appui de Banque Desjardins

Your support helps us ensure a better future for newcomers in Quebec.

Help for Newcomers

Our Interventions

Become a volunteer and help us support the newcomer community.


Become a Volunteer

If you are a newcomer to Quebec, find out how we can assist you.

The Help
You Need

New to Montreal?

Become a Volunteer

Becoming a volunteer can change lives by offering support and hope to those in need.

I want to volunteer.

Get Help

Newcomers to Quebec face many challenges. Learn how MNB can support you.

I am a newcomer.
Our Services

How We Help:

Orientation for Newcomers

Guiding newcomers through their settlement process.

Essential Needs Assessment

Assessing newcomers' settlement needs for a successful welcome.

Donation Collection

Collecting and distributing donations based on identified needs.

Environmental Preservation

Raising awareness about reuse to reduce waste, conserve resources, and prevent wastefulness.

Mon Nouveau Bercail
will soon celebrate 7 years since being founded.

Learn More About Us.

Testimonials from our partners and beneficiaries

Support for our initiatives

Make a donation to support our mission

We seek financial support from our partners to continue offering valuable help to new arrivals. Your contribution helps fund our programs and expand our impact in the community.

Make a difference
In The Lives of Others