Avec l'appui de Banque Desjardins

Conceptie Gervé

Conceptie Gervé


Conceptie Gervé is an education professional (Bachelor’s in Education Sciences in Haiti, Bachelor’s in Education, and Graduate Diploma in Adult Education and Training from UQAM). She has extensive experience in education, international cooperation, and community development. Working as a Social Pastoral Agent at the Côte-des-Neiges and Mont-Royal Pastoral Unit, she represented the Côte-des-Neiges Council of Churches for nearly 10 years at the CDC-CDN, while collaborating with community organizations in the fight against poverty on issues such as food security, rights advocacy, social housing, intercultural, and interreligious dialogue for better living together.

Very active in the Côte-des-Neiges and Mont-Royal neighborhoods, she has witnessed and supported the beginnings of Mon Nouveau Bercail in its concrete actions for the reception, settlement, and social and professional integration of newcomers. She continues to work within the organization for the well-being of newcomers and the prosperity of Quebec.