Avec l'appui de Banque Desjardins

Annual General Assembly of Members


Quebec and Canada have committed through their immigration policies to welcome more people. The Quebec government has decided to increase the number of immigrants by 10,000 per year, bringing the total to around 60,000. Supporting the settlement and integration of these individuals is a significant challenge. Our foundation consists of immigrants from various backgrounds who understand this reality. Our objective is to ease their settlement through both social and environmental pillars.


In the past six months, we have actively contributed to settling many families by distributing household items and essential goods. We have supported families and community organizations by donating over 100 books to the University of Montreal's used book kiosk and several bags of clothing to Fripe-Prix Côte-des-Neiges.


We raise awareness about reuse and sharing to avoid resource wastage. Given the global trend toward environmental protection, we see a growing consciousness about preserving the planet. Mon Nouveau Bercail proudly supports this trend through conferences, awareness actions in schools, universities, and early childhood centers.


Once they arrive in Quebec, new immigrants face various unforeseen challenges, such as finding a job or dealing with unplanned expenses. This can lead to stress, especially as securing a job can be difficult for those who struggle to validate skills acquired abroad. Many newcomers face initial financial pressure, and our goal is to provide them with a calm, stress-free start, allowing them to fully enjoy their new life and contribute to society.


Our action areas cover Côte-des-Neiges, Ville St-Laurent, and Ville de Mont-Royal. Côte-des-Neiges and St-Laurent welcome many migrants due to more affordable rent, while in Mont-Royal, we focus on the environmental pillar to raise awareness about the importance of reuse, sharing, and solidarity.

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  • Main Focus Areas:

    Social and Environmental Integration
  • Recent Actions:

    Support for families, donations to the community
  • Future Goals:

    Expand community impact, promote environmental awareness
  • Intervention Zones:

    Ville St-Laurent
    Ville de Mont-Royal
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